Summary Consent Decree: What Is It?

Your Guide to Summary Consent Decree

The intricacies surrounding divorce can be daunting. This is especially true for those seeking to remain amicable with their soon-to-be former spouse. Fortunately, in the state of Arizona, conventional divorce proceedings and lengthy legal battles are not the sole option. For a streamlined divorce and efficient resolution, The Divorce Guy is here to serve as your guide to summary consent decree services in Tucson, AZ.

Discover an Efficient Alternative to Conventional Divorce Proceedings

Summary consent decree is a legally binding agreement that serves as an alternative to standard divorce proceedings. Summary divorce can be used by couples with or without children seeking an efficient and conflict-free approach to terminating their marriage. This arrangement is reserved for those who have come to a mutual agreement regarding the terms of their divorce, including child custody, property division, spousal support, and any other pertinent issues linked to their marriage.

How a Summary Consent Decree Works

If both spouses agree on the divorce and the projected terms, a summary consent decree may be filed. This process can be handled by a certified legal document preparation service, such as The Divorce Guy. This enables you to mitigate unnecessary attorney fees and court costs. With a summary consent decree, spouses must voluntarily and collectively sign the response documents to indicate their consent to the terms and dissolution of the marriage. In turn, this eliminates the need for service of process and the default divorce process.

Summary Consent Decree Eligibility Criteria

A summary consent decree is a cost-effective and expedited divorce method. However, it may not be suitable for everyone. In Arizona, couples must meet certain criteria in order to be eligible for a summary divorce. To pursue a summary consent decree, the following must apply to your current marital status:

  • Both spouses wish to be divorced.
  • Both spouses agree that the marriage is irretrievably broken.
  • Both spouses agree to the terms of the divorce.
  • You are legally married.
  • You do not have a covenant marriage.
  • At least one spouse has resided in Arizona for a minimum of 90 days or is an armed forces member stationed in Arizona for a minimum of 90 days.

The Advantages of a Summary Consent Decree

If you and your spouse are on good terms, wish to pursue a divorce, and agree to all major issues surrounding child custody, support, debt, and asset division, a summary consent decree can save you an abundance of time, money, and stress. In contrast to traditional practices, these streamlined divorce services unlock a host of advantages, including:

  • Efficiency: Summary consent decree filings do not call for months of waiting or years of on-going court battles, enabling you to finalize the dissolution of your marriage more efficiently.
  • Cost-Savings: Attorney costs and court fees can quickly become excessive with conventional divorce processes. In contrast, a summary divorce requires a one-time filing fee.
  • Maintain Amicable Relationships: Uphold your amicable relationship with your spouse by replacing stress and emotional strain with a foundation of cooperation.
  • Foster Stability: Summary divorce sets an excellent example of positive conflict resolution practices while fostering greater stability and a better home environment for children.

The Summary Consent Decree Process

The summary consent decree process is timely and efficient, enabling you to get started on your next chapter without financial burdens, prolonged court proceedings, and extensive emotional strain. The first step is to decide upon a summary divorce and the associated terms of the divorce with your spouse. Once you have negotiated and settled on all major marital issues and assets, you may reach out to The Divorce Guy to begin drafting your summary consent decree. This document will outline the terms of the divorce in detail to eliminate the risk of future disputes.

Once both spouses consent to the decree, the document is collectively signed and filed with the local court. A judge will then review and approve the decree marking the legal dissolution of the marriage. However, it’s important to note that a judge may call a court hearing prior to finalizing the summary divorce to ensure the agreement is equitable and fair to both spouses.

Get Started With Summary Consent Decree Services in Tucson, AZ, Today

Forego costly legal fees and extensive court battles with The Divorce Guy. If you and your spouse are seeking a positive divorce experience, look to our certified legal document preparers in Tucson, AZ. We are here to provide you with full-service summary consent decree filings to ensure your divorce is as smooth and stress-free as possible. To learn more or get started today, kindly fill out our simple online form or contact our team directly to schedule a consultation.

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