How Do I Get Divorced Cheap in Arizona?

How Do I Get Divorced Cheap in Arizona?   Divorce can be an emotionally and financially taxing process. However, there are ways to minimize the costs associated with getting divorced in Arizona. By understanding the legal requirements, exploring alternative dispute resolutions, and leveraging the services of certified legal document preparers, you can navigate the process […]

Use that tax refund to start your divorce!

Divorce and Name Changes Often, one or both spouses will want to change their name as part of the divorce process. If a spouse is returning to the name she or he used prior to the marriage (sometimes called a “maiden name”), the name change can be included as part of the divorce process. Other […]

Establishing Child Support, Parenting Time and Legal Decision Making (Custody)

Establishing Child Support, Parenting Time and Legal Decision Making; Everything You Need to Know Establishing Child Support can be accomplished so long as Paternity has already been established or you will establish Paternity in the same Petition. Establishing paternity means that a court or a government agency has ruled as to who is a child’s […]

Arizona Divorce Legal Document Preparation Services

Starting Your Divorce with The Divorce Guy   The Divorce Guy offers professional divorce legal document preparation services. We have decades of experience preparing documents for divorces in Arizona. By using our service you can avoid the expense of a high priced attorney so that you can focus your financial resources on helping your family make […]

Child Support Paralegal in Arizona

Child Support Paralegal in Arizona – Why and how do I get child support without being married? Establish Paternity first There are many reasons why a mother, father, or child might want to establish paternity. Some of the reasons are legal and others are more personal. For a child, it may be important to establish […]

Need help filling out those do it yourself divorce forms?

DO IT YOURSELF DIVORCE FORMS – If you need someone to help you fill out those divorce packets for you unfortunately, legal document preparers are unable to do that.  The Arizona Board of Legal Document Preparers actually considers that as legal advice. They are of the opinion that if we tell you how to prepare […]

No more Custody in Arizona?

No more custody in Arizona by Shannon Trezza Effective January 1, 2013, Custody as we know it will bear a new title.  That’s right finally custody will be labeled by its definition. SOLE LEGAL DECISION MAKING VS. JOINT LEGAL DECISION MAKING.  The definition for who has custody of a child has long been a power […]

Tucson & Phoenix Legal Document Preparation Services | Divorce

Tucson & Phoenix Legal Document Preparation Services for Divorce Using a Tucson or Phoenix Legal Document Preparation Services for Divorce may be the way to go to save time and money when you want to represent yourself in your divorce.  If you are looking for a Tucson or Phoenix Paralegal service for Divorce, The Divorce […]

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