Use that tax refund to start your divorce!

Divorce and Name Changes Often, one or both spouses will want to change their name as part of the divorce process. If a spouse is returning to the name she or he used prior to the marriage (sometimes called a “maiden name”), the name change can be included as part of the divorce process. Other […]

Changing Marital Status with Divorce

Options for Changing Your Marriage Status ANNULMENT OF MARRIAGE Navigating your options for changing your marriage status is never easy. In this post, we cover the basic components of annulment, legal separation, or divorce for couples seeking to better understand their options. Annulment is the legal finding that a marriage was never valid from the […]

Spousal Maintenance (Alimony)

Establishing and Securing Spousal Maintenance Spousal Maintenance is financial support for one spouse paid by the other spouse in a divorce or legal separation. Sometimes, during or after a divorce, one spouse may need financial help from the other spouse. There are various reasons why this may be as all circumstances are different. In this […]

Process Servers

When attempting to serve a Petition for Dissolution, occasionally process servers are called upon to serve these legal documents to an uncooperative spouse. Process servers must be certified and licensed by the Arizona Supreme Court in order to serve legal documents on someone. They are given either a physical description or photograph of the spouse. […]

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