Child Support documents in Tucson

If you live in Tucson, Arizona and have children and are currently paying child support or receiving child support; At one time or another you have wanted to get more or pay less!.  If you live in Tucson but don’t want to pay a fortune to an attorney to prepare your Arizona child support documents […]

What is a "No Fault" divorce?

According to, the definition of a no-fault divorce is “a divorce which is granted without the necessity of finding a spouse to have been guilty of some marital misconduct.” Before no-fault divorce statutes were established, one had to prove that specific marital misconduct, such as infidelity or abandonment, had taken place, and there had […]

Can't I avoid a Court appearance? My divorce is uncontested!

If you and your spouse agree to the division of assets and debts in your uncontested divorce then you may be able to avoid a court appearance. In Arizona you can avoid a court appearance if both parties agree to signing a Consent Decree of Dissolution. An uncontested divorce can generally be completed in approximately […]

More than half of Court Ordered Child Support goes unpaid!

According to the American Bar Association Guide to Marriage, Divorce, and Families, more than 50% of child support owed by a non custodial parent goes uncollected.  Many cases are for children who were born out of wedlock. Even though a child is born out of wedlock it is still possible to collect child support from […]

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