Arizona Child Support and Arizona Divorce

Arizona Child Support and Arizona Divorce In his proclamation, Child Support Awareness Month, Governor  Douglas A. Ducey states that, “children need parental support and stability from both parents for their financial, emotional and physical growth.” I’m sure we can all agree that a well planned child support agreement is important not only to secure the […]

Establishing Child Support in Arizona

Establishing Child Support in Arizona   Arizona law states that “every person has the duty to provide all reasonable support for that person’s natural and adopted minor, unemancipated children” (ARS 25-501). Parents who are divorced or who have never been married still have an obligation to support their biological or adopted children.   In 2005 […]

Child Support Paralegal in Arizona

Child Support Paralegal in Arizona – Why and how do I get child support without being married? Establish Paternity first There are many reasons why a mother, father, or child might want to establish paternity. Some of the reasons are legal and others are more personal. For a child, it may be important to establish […]

Child Support documents in Tucson

If you live in Tucson, Arizona and have children and are currently paying child support or receiving child support; At one time or another you have wanted to get more or pay less!.  If you live in Tucson but don’t want to pay a fortune to an attorney to prepare your Arizona child support documents […]

More than half of Court Ordered Child Support goes unpaid!

According to the American Bar Association Guide to Marriage, Divorce, and Families, more than 50% of child support owed by a non custodial parent goes uncollected.  Many cases are for children who were born out of wedlock. Even though a child is born out of wedlock it is still possible to collect child support from […]

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