Divorce vs Legal Separation

DIVORCE vs LEGAL SEPARATION When contemplating divorce or legal separation both parties may wonder which is better?  When a marriage is ending, one or both spouses may be wondering what the difference is between a divorce or legal separation. There are many similarities and very distinct differences between a legal separation and a divorce. When […]

How do I get Spousal Maintenance or Alimony in Arizona

How do I get spousal maintenance or alimony in Arizona A recent Time magazine article highlights the issue of permanent, or long-term, alimony facing many families. The issue is in the national media because of the veto by Florida Gov. Rick Scott of a bill passed by the Florida legislature to end permanent alimony. Gov. […]

Child Support Paralegal in Arizona

Child Support Paralegal in Arizona – Why and how do I get child support without being married? Establish Paternity first There are many reasons why a mother, father, or child might want to establish paternity. Some of the reasons are legal and others are more personal. For a child, it may be important to establish […]

Legal Decision Making and Parenting Time

For many parents who are separating or divorcing, the issues and concerns around how divorce will impact children is primary. Child custody is the term most parents think when they are making decisions about where children will live. In Arizona, physical custody of a child has been renamed “parenting time.” Legal custody, that is the […]

Arizona Child Support-Part II

Arizona Child Support Guidelines Part Two In Part One we discussed the general guidelines for child support obligations, including determining the gross, adjusted gross, and combined gross income of parents and how the basic child support amount is determined. In Part Two, we will give you information about how parenting time figures into child support obligations, […]

Getting an Annulment vs. Divorce in Arizona

Getting an Annulment vs. Divorce in Arizona   As you consider your options for divorce in Arizona, you might be wondering what the difference is between an annulment and a divorce. In this article we will cover some basics about marriage, the difference between an annulment and divorce, as well as common law marriage, and […]

Need help filling out those do it yourself divorce forms?

DO IT YOURSELF DIVORCE FORMS – If you need someone to help you fill out those divorce packets for you unfortunately, legal document preparers are unable to do that.  The Arizona Board of Legal Document Preparers actually considers that as legal advice. They are of the opinion that if we tell you how to prepare […]

No more Custody in Arizona?

No more custody in Arizona by Shannon Trezza Effective January 1, 2013, Custody as we know it will bear a new title.  That’s right finally custody will be labeled by its definition. SOLE LEGAL DECISION MAKING VS. JOINT LEGAL DECISION MAKING.  The definition for who has custody of a child has long been a power […]

Tucson & Phoenix Legal Document Preparation Services | Divorce

Tucson & Phoenix Legal Document Preparation Services for Divorce Using a Tucson or Phoenix Legal Document Preparation Services for Divorce may be the way to go to save time and money when you want to represent yourself in your divorce.  If you are looking for a Tucson or Phoenix Paralegal service for Divorce, The Divorce […]

An affordable option for divorce documents

LOW COST DIVORCE OPTIONS Low cost divorce help in Tucson isn’t hard to find. If you are trying to save money and you and your spouse agree to a division of assets, debts, custody of children etc. then you may try the option of a certified legal document preparer. In Arizona a non-lawyer may prepare […]

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